Sir Robert Dowling (Chair of Trustees)
Appointed for fourth 4-year term by Members
- Chair of St George’s School, Edgbaston.
- Son in Law is an employee of George Dixon Academy
- Son is a Partner at Irwin Mitchell LLP which is the Academy’s Solicitors
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Not partake in discussions or to vote on any decisions relating to collaboration or partnerships between the Academy and St George’s School or Irwin Mitchell LLP.
- Avoid disclosing confidential matters without the prior permission of the Governing Body or unpublished data relating to the performance of the Academy which can be used against the Academy or to put St George’s School or Irwin Mitchell LLP at a competitive advantage.
- Not partake in any discussions relating to this particular member of staff’s pay or confidential employment matters of another staff member in relation to son in law i.e. grievance or disciplinary.
- Avoid raising personal queries and grievances relating to son in law’s employment during Governing Body and/or Committee meetings.
Mr Barry Kicks (Vice Chair of Trustees and Finance & Audit Committee)
Appointed for fourth 4-year term by Members
- Trustee of St George’s School, Edgbaston
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Not partake in discussions or to vote on any decisions relating to collaboration or partnerships between the academy and St George’s School.
- Avoid disclosing confidential matters without the prior permission of the Governing Body or unpublished data relating to the performance of the academy which can be used against the academy or to put St George’s School at a competitive advantage.
Mr Tutvinder Mann
Ex-Officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
- Headteacher of George Dixon Academy
- Sister and niece in law are employees of George Dixon Academy
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Not partake in any discussions relating to own pay and performance or grievances brought to the Governing Body or applicable Committee by another employee against him unless asked to comment.
- Avoid raising personal queries and grievances relating to employment during Governing Body and Committee meetings and to provide true and accurate data to the Governing Body, answering honestly any queries asked by other Governors.
- Not partake in any discussions relating to this particular member of staff’s pay or confidential employment matters of another staff member in relation to sister and niece in law i.e. grievance or disciplinary.
- Avoid raising personal queries and grievances relating to site and niece in law’s employment during Governing Body and/or Committee meetings.
Mr Mark Proctor
(Chair of Finance & Audit Committee)
Appointed for second 4-year term by Members
- Member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
- Employee of The Conway Group (The Academy has no commercial or other relationship with this organisation). Nature of Business: Packing Services
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Avoid disclosing confidential matters without the prior permission of the Governing Body or unpublished data relating to the performance of the Academy which can be used against the Academy.
Dr Elspeth Insch OBE
Appointed for second 4-year term by Members
- Trustee of St George’s School, Edgbaston
- Voluntary Activities with Research into Rheumatoid Arthritis where sometimes a payment is received.
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Not partake in discussions or to vote on any decisions relating to collaboration or partnerships between the academy and St George’s School.
- Avoid disclosing confidential matters without the prior permission of the Governing Body or unpublished data relating to the performance of the academy which can be used against the academy or to put St George’s School at a competitive advantage.
Ms Christina Elliott
Appointed by Governing Body in accordance with Articles of Association for 4-year term
- Parent of Student at the Academy.
- Employee at Newman University
In relation to any or all of the declared interests, this Governing Body Member will:
- Parent governors are elected by parents and can represent their collective views at meetings, they are not delegates and parents cannot mandate them on how they should vote or what they should say in Governing Body Meetings.
- To avoid raising personal queries and grievances relating to own child during Governing Body and Committee Meetings